IASGP Annual Conference 2024 – Programme & Registrations Open!

The IASGP is pleased to inform you that registration for its 48th Annual Conference on the theme “Divisions domestically and beyond: German politics in 2024” is now open. The event will take place in Darmstadt (Technical University) on Thursday 12th – Friday 13th December 2024.
The conference will bring together researchers from various backgrounds and academic disciplines to reflect on the changes that shape politics in Germany and German-speaking countries.
The draft programme is available here: IASGP – Programme2024 (Draft_Oct.)
This year we will host seven panels featuring 24 papers, as well as our German Politics lecture.
Moreover, the Association is honoured to host an ‘in conversation’ event with Bijan Kaffenberger, Member of the Hessian State Parliament in Wiesbaden.
We would encourage members to consider chairing or acting as discussants on panels. Please register your interest in doing so. Normally discussants would have a completed doctorate, but chairing is open to everyone, and we would like those playing this role to reflect the full diversity of the Association’s membership.
Taking part in the conference is a great opportunity to meet people working on German politics from a range of countries, career stages, and disciplinary approaches. Also, editors of our peer-reviewed journal German Politics will be present.
To register for the event, please fill in the Registration Form and return it by 8th November 2024 to intasgp@gmail.com.
Please note that all participants (speakers and non-speakers) must be members of the Association and pay small registration fees. If you are not a member, then please join here https://www.tandfonline.com/pricing/journal/fgrp20.
Conference fees include dinner on the 12th and lunch on the 13th, refreshments and one night of hotel accommodation at a central hotel on Thursday 12th December. For participants outside the region, accommodation can also be provided on 11th December.
Please indicate your requirements on the registration form, which also includes details on fee options and how to pay electronically.
In addition, we are pleased to let you know that support for additional childcare costs necessitated by conference attendance may be available. Please make enquiries at intasgp@gmail.com.