IASGP Webinar on Austria’s 2024 General Election

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In light of the recent Austrian general elections, the IASGP is organising a webinar scheduled at 18:00 CET (17:00 BST) on Monday 14 October.



Austria’s landslide general election of 29 September 2024 saw the coalition parties lose heavily: ÖVP ca 26% (-12 points); Greens ca 8% (–6). The SPÖ stagnated at its historic low of 21%. The right-wing populist FPÖ obtained ca 29% (plus 13). Yet it is unclear whether it will be able to re-enter government, for its only viable coalition partner is the ÖVP, significant elements of which are decidedly unenthusiastic at being the junior partner in a government led by Herbert Kickl, who aspires to be Austria’s “Volkskanzler”. Alternative coalition scenarios include ÖVP-SPÖ, which would have only a wafer-thin parliamentary majority, or a three-party coalition, probably involving the liberal NEOS.


This timely webinar will include contributions from two excellent researchers at Vienna University’s Department of Government:

  • Sylvia Kritzinger, Head of Department, Professor of Methods in the Social Sciences; Co-Principal Investigator of the Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES)
  • Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik, Professor of Austrian Politics in the European Context, who has published extensively on Austrian parties and elections.


The event will be moderated by Kurt Richard Luther (Professor Emeritus of Comparative Politics at Keele University) and Ed Turner (acting Chair of the IASGP and Reader in Politics at Aston University).


The webinar will take place online on Zoom; registration is not required.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://ed-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/83220069004

Meeting ID: 832 2006 9004

Passcode: CHSG1WzJ

Written by Juline Beaujouan

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