Switzerland at the UN Security Council in 2023-24

Tuesday 20 April 2021 | 18:00-20:30 BST; 19:00-21:30 CET; 13:00-15:30 EST
The event is organised by Foraus (Forum Aussenpolitik) as a Swiss-wide discussion around the UNSC and this opportunity Switzerland will have in 2023-24 to further contribute to global peace and security. At the end of the process, the ideas shared by participants on the platform will be grouped into thematic clusters and shared as a 2-pager with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA).
. What does it concretely mean for Switzerland to b a non-permanent member of the UNSC?
. How can Switzerland amplify its positive impact on global peace and security throughout its tenure at the UN Security Council in 2023-24?
The series of workshops is organised in partnership with Swisspeace and Policy Kitchen.
You can attend the event in German “Die Schweiz im UNO-Sicherheitsrat 2023-24” on 13 April and 19 April at the same time as indicated for the English version.
More information and registration here (English) and here (German).